Hello. Today's blog post will be two weeks worth of information so I will try to keep it short and simple. We are not sure what your plans are for the Jubilee Weekend but it looks like most of you are going away. However, if you are planning a big garden party I would like to give you an opportunity to order anything you may need as soon as possible. Let us help in any way we can!
Also, because we also would like to spend some time with our families, we will only be open for three days next week (Wednesday till Friday). I will remind you about it next Monday.
This week's and next week's menu are as follows:
Just Bread
(aka Classic Sourdough) £3.80
Rosemary and potato sourdough £4.90
Roasted garlic, sun dried tomatoes
and oregano sour (Jubilee Week) £4.90
Seeded sourdough £4.60
Dark rye sourdough (450g) £3.60
Light Rye Sour £4.10
Seeded spelt (pre-order only) £5.10
Einkorn (from Thursday) £4.60
Wildfarmed (from Friday) £5
Cinnamon Bun £2.20
Plain croissant £2.20
Almond croissant £3.50
Custard and fresh fruit danish £3.50
Cheese and marmite palmier £3
(from Thursday)
Smoked cheese and asparagus £3.50
danish (from Thursday)
Cinnamon sugar doughnut £2.50
with plum jam
Challah (Fridays) £6
Rye chocolate chip cookie £2
We are also offering a delicious chocolate cake topped with mascarpone cream and fresh fruit to celebrate Queen's Jubilee. The cake will make 12 large or 16 smaller pieces and it costs £30. Please place your cake orders by the end of this week (Saturday 28 May).

If you would like one of our spelt loaves please let us know at least a day before.
We will have a different selection of pastries throughout the week.
If you would like to order your bread and pick it up from Potstop on Thursday, please let us know by 2 pm on Wednesday (email to hello@leavened.co.uk). The orders will then be ready for collection between 2 - 5 pm.
If you would like your order to be delivered by Box Bike, let us know a day before at least and we will arrange the delivery for you, thank you!