Good evening!
I have a few little announcements this week. One of them is that, from this week on, we will be open from 8.30 till 4.30. We are changing the way we work and I will be in the bakery from 5 am (which is finally a proper time for a baker to start a day). The bread will be on the shelves from the moment the market door opens at 8.30 and sweet buns should follow not long after that. This change will hopefully let us develop a little bit more (there is a big plan in my head already!). However, if you ever see me as a half asleep zombie, please pretend I look fresh as a daisy and full of energy :). I am sure it will take some time to adjust but it should be worth it.
Secondly, if you wish to order a loaf or two for Christmas, please come and see us in the bakery. We have some availability for bread pre- orders to be collected either on 23 or 24 December. Some of you also requested Nutella/cinnamon stars we made last year so we shall make them available for you too. We are also working on some other Christmas treats which will land on our shelves soon.
Our menu this week:
Just Bread
(aka Classic Sourdough) £3.70
Miso and black sesame £4.80
Seeded sourdough £4.50
Dark rye sourdough (450g) £3.50
Light Rye Sour £4
Spelt with Seeds (tin loaf) £5
Einkorn sourdough £4.50
(avaliable from Thursday)
Wildfarmed sourdough £4.50
(Friday and Saturday)
Cinnamon Bun £2.20
Christmas bun £3
Almond croissant (from Thursday) £3.50
Pain au chocolat (from Thursday) £2.80
Ham and cheese croissant £3.50
with honey and mustard glaze
(from Thursday)
Herb and garlic roll £1
We will also have some Polish style (vegan) gingerbread cake that you liked so much on Saturday and Scandi "chocolate love cake".
If you live in Knebworth and would love to try our bread without having to travel to Stevenage, from this week you can place an order with us and we will deliver it to Pot Stop every THURSDAY. The orders will be ready for pick up from 2 pm till 5 pm.
Please place any orders by WEDNESDAY 12 pm the latest by sending an email to or just send us a DM on Instagram on @_leavened_
To order for Box Bike delivery please send us an email to at least one day before you wish to receive bread.
See you soon!
